Welcome to ingametime.com!

Track your speedrun rankings by points,
driven by runs submitted to speedrun.com.

Site features are being added as quickly as possible.

Enjoy what's available, and keep going fast.


Site Stats

Games with Leaderboards9 games
Levels with Leaderboards345 levels
Total IL Leaderboards1111 boards
Perfect Score111100 points
Known Players1093 players
Ranked Runs10273 runs
Last updated Oct 21 2024 19:00:07 EST

IGT Development Roadmap / Planning (as of October 22, 2023)

  • Develop a combined leaderboard for single-category-multi-variable games.
  • Update game leaderboard view. (Show tied-WR players.)
  • Investigate sub-second ranking issues.
  • Investigate player history table issues.
  • Update game list view. (Preparing for more games!)
  • Add "Today's World Record History" section. (So you can check in daily!)
  • Add Agent Under Fire. (Requested. Needs new scoring system.)
  • Add Wave Race 64. (A classic with a long history, makes for a great fit.)
  • Add GoldenEye Wii. (Requested.)
  • Add Nightfire. (Requested.)
  • Add other F-Zero games. (I feel like they'd be a good fit here!)
  • Look over more game requests / candidates.